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Newcomb.jpg (95589 bytes)  Looking East across Newcomb Lake from the lean-to on the south shore.

barefoot.jpg (136565 bytes)  One of the creeks I had to wade across.

leantos.jpg (179963 bytes)  arrival.jpg (136946 bytes)  On arrival at the Moose Pond Stream campsite.

baldwin.jpg (91836 bytes)  Baldwin Mountain on the left, Moose Mountain on the right.  moose.jpg (103098 bytes)

mphorsetrail.jpg (130768 bytes)   Some views on the trail.  junction.jpg (149140 bytes)

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The Santanoni farm buildings that are left.

fhouse1.jpg (137709 bytes)  fhouse2.jpg (138227 bytes)  The farm house, I think.

mhouse1.jpg (139113 bytes)  mhouse2.jpg (96763 bytes)  mhouse3.jpg (87370 bytes)

The outside of the milkhouse, and then inside the boiler room, and inside the main room where the coolers were kept.

barn1.jpg (98552 bytes)  barn2.jpg (104787 bytes)  hikergreg.jpg (105263 bytes)

The barn, outside, then inside the lower floor around back, showing the stanchions, and then from the milkhouse, showing the annoying hiker/amateur photographer but more importantly the old-fashioned, integrated silo.

alldone.jpg (112051 bytes)  All done with the hike!

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