Return to America

Out of Africa - June 20-21

In the morning, after the wonderful breakfast buffet at the Balmoral, we checked out and gassed the car on the way to the airport. The gas station attendant patted my stomach and didn't believe a guy my size could run that far.  We turned the car in and boarded our flight to Capetown. There we spent a couple hours on a lawn writing postcards and drinking Cokes (they didn't sell beer 8-().  Then we got on the B-747-400 which was nearly empty to Johannesburg.  But there, it filled up. Tom was ahead of me, and had one of the few empty seats next to him. After 8.5 hours we landed at Sal in the Cape Verde Islands to refuel, and we got off the plane to stand around in the terminal. Then we got back on, and I used one of Tom’s sleeping pills and went right to sleep. I woke up in about 3 hours, took another sleeping pill, and woke up when they were getting ready to serve breakfast. We got to Atlanta on time, then boarded our flight to Syracuse, by way of Rochester. Cathy picked us up at the airport, and we were home.

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