0707 Duck Hole

Early (0400) I drove to the Upper Works trailhead, getting there about 0730, and hiked into Duck Hole, getting there about 1130.  The hike was harder than I remembered, but I chalked it up to being my first backpack of the year.  I had only about 31 pounds, but I used the LL Bean pack, which does not have an adjustable harness, and it was very uncomfortable and made the trip harder.

When I got to the lean-tos, no one else was there.  I chose the newer lean-to, and hung my clothes up to dry (sweat, not rain).  Several groups of 6+ hikers being guided traveled through, but they didn't stay.  Near suppertime, 4 women arrived and took the other lean-to.

I tried to sleep without pitching my bivy, but the mosquitoes were relentless, and I pitched the bivy in the lean-to just to keep from being harassed by them.  During the night it began to lightning, then thunder, then rain really hard.  It stopped by daybreak, but everything outside the lean-to was soaked - the bushes, the grounds, etc.

Packing out I kept getting off trail and losing my way.  I think I was over-tired, or possibly hypoglycemic.  In any case, I got back to the car and drove home.

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