Sunday morning Bob was up early. I didn't sleep too well. Even though it was 10 degrees warmer than it had been the night before, I laid in my tent shivering most of the night. Again I relented and put on everything I had to wear. About 5:30 I had to get out and void my bladder, and I woke Bob up then. He stayed up, but I finally fell back to sleep. He had the fire going and water on when I finally woke up. It looked like rain, so we got going. I didn't get a very good satellite signal for the GPS until we got well around Noisey Ridge, so the map looks a little strange. The yellow track is a straight line the system plugs in between points where it can get a reading. We probably hiked the black trail shown that curves NE of the yellow track. On the way we stopped to investigate some garbage that someone did a poor job of concealing behind a rock, but that's all it was - garbage. From here, about 2.8 miles, it was mostly downhill back to the car. We had hiked up this trail on Thursday, and I was anticipating hiking down it today. Downhill, is, after all, my forte. It was wonderful hiking, with a little breeze, which we sure could have used hiking up a few days ago. In any case, Bob signed us out at the Pillsbury Mt. trailhead register, and on down the road we went to the car, which some had moved about 70 from where the GPS said we left it. On the way home, we went the other direction on the Jessup River Road, which bent back north and into NY30 at Mason Lake. When we got to Speculator, we were hoping the tourist trade was a little slower than usual, because we had a greasy spoon breakfast in mind. We were in luck, and the diner was open, and not too busy. We each ordered two large breakfasts, which disappeared tout suite. Then we hit the road for the trip back. Traffic was not bad at all, and we got home in early afternoon. When I got home my pack weighed 28.6 pounds, including about 3 pounds of water, and all my garbage. I think I'll be heavier the rest of this year - I'm taking a heavier sleeping bag for one thing. |