At the finish line, I was glad to be done and turned off my SDM foot unit and stored my time. I posed for the photographer after getting my finish card, patch and medal, since I had paid for photos, and I hope I get some good ones. I asked a man in the finish chute where the international tent was, and he pointed the way. I saw the tog bag retrieval place on the way, and since I was feeling okay and wanting to get going, I stopped there and retrieved my bag. Then I walked over to the international runner's tent and saw Tom sitting by the fence. He congratulated me and told me of his results. Then he pointed to where the showers were, and I walked over there and took a good (but very cold) shower, put on clean clothes and went back to join Tom again. I was having no trouble walking except on the steep downhills aside the road you have to cross. I wanted to leave, but was reminded that the buses don't leave until the race was over. We went and climbed up in the bleachers and watched the last 20 minutes of the race and the closing of the finish line. I was amazed at how many people finish in the last 5 minutes, and how many people don't finish at all but are in that last 100 meters. After the finish Tom and I go ton the second bus and headed for Durban. I felt like passing out, between the drop in my blood pressure and the diesel fumes. I rode most of the way with my head as far between my knees as I could get it. When we got to our hotel, I was a little stiff at first but walked in without trouble. Up to the room and soaked in a hot bath. I was craving a steak dinner. I went down to the veranda where Ronnie was waiting for me. That was pretty nice of him. It was a holiday and not very busy, but he was there. The only dinner option was buffet, and I got a big bottle of water, and a small plate of food. The lamb was a little like steak, and I ate a little, but didn't have a big appetite. Tom came down and had a couple of beers but didn't feel like eating. That night it took about 2 hours for the cramps to stop in my feet and calves. After that I slept about an hour at a time, since I was still over hydrated. But I did sleep ,and made it down for breakfast the next morning. The only "injury" was the blistered little toe. The blister was on most of the toe, but had popped, and didn't hurt at all. |