March 15 I hiked my first hike of the year.
I planned to hike from the Map 22 beginning East. But
Stoney Brook Road, where the trailhead and parking area are, is not plowed, and
there was lots of snow. I didn't think there was a good place on Cuyler Hill
Road to park my car, so I decided to try the Fenby Glen trailhead, over on
County Route 12.
But the same story there - lot not plowed, and the shoulders
were way too soft to park on. And fast traffic, so I decided to head into Lincklean (yes, that's the way they spell it) Center
to try the Wood Road spot.
Wood Road is also not plowed, but I saw the trail signs on
Paradise Hill Road. I drove by looking for a spot to park. I had
gone by a plow turnaround with a big "no parking" sign, and a school
bus turnaround - also no parking. I saw a woman running with her dog, and
pulled up as she stopped to make sure her dog didn't get hit. She said it
was all right to park at the trailhead so I turned around and parked. I
was putting my boots and gaiters on when she came running back up the
hill. I asked if she thought it was okay to park there overnight, and she
said it wasn't. She offered to let me park at her house down the hill and
I decided I would. So she said she'd meet me there. I drove down to
her house and she showed me where to park. Her husband offered to give me
a ride back to the trailhead, but it was only a little over half a mile, and I
thanked them.
I tied my show shoes and hiking poles on the back of my pack,
and headed off about 3 p.m. I got into the woods about 3:30, and
immediately started post holing, in some places up to my hips. After about
100 yards of that, I decided it was time to snow shoe. So I hung my pack
on a branch and donned my show shoes and hiking poles.
What a difference! No sinking in, and it wasn't nearly as
hard as I had remembered from several years ago. So I went right along, and
would not have been wet at all if I'd started that way. But being in the
upper 40s, of course my gaiters and boots were soaked from all the sinking in
when I started.
Crossing a woods road back into state land.
Eventually I got to the eastern junction with the Paradise Loop
(J E PG LT on the map). I decided to go on to the western junction and
then head to the lean to for the night. I hadn't hiked very far, but I
knew it would be dark around 6:30 and needed time to find water to cook supper.
Soon I started up hill, up and up and up. I was getting
tired of that. I started wondering if I had missed one of the
junctions. It was 4:21. I decided I would hike up hill until 4:30,
and if I didn't come across the junction, I would turn around and hike down into
Paradise Glen from the junction I had noticed. At 4:28 I looked up and
there were the blue blazes marking the junction.
Blue blazes mark the side loop into Paradise Glen.
Getting down to the lean-to was a little tricky. The trail
descends about 200 feet, and skirts the gorge of a little stream that cut the
glen. So I was hiking down a steep grade in show shoes at the edge of a
very steep drop off. One place I had to cross the stream where there was a
log bridge. There was 30" of snow on the bridge and under that was
ice. So I needed to go down into the creek bed to cross it, but there were
some logs down across it. It was tricky, but between the snow shoes and
the hiking poles I made it.
I was hiking along getting kind of tired, looked up, and, there it was!
Paradise Glen lean-to. Fire pit in front, somewhere under
that snow. Some people left a lot of wood in the lean to, and some
papers. I used the papers to sweep out one side to spread my bed.
Hey, that rhymes!

It was 4:50 when I got there, and set to work. I shed my
snow shoes and unpacked enough to get my cook pots. With them I headed to
the sound of running water. I found a spot about 200 yards from the
lean-to where I could fill my pots. Of course, I was wading in snow up to
my hips in places to get there and back. I lit the stove and set
the water to heating. Then I hung my bear lines and cooked dinner.
Instant soup, coffee, chili macaroni with beef. While that steeped I
changed into dry clothes. It was about 33 in the lean-to.
After supper I wrote in my journal and read a book. I also
made two more trips to the creek and filled my pots for morning. It was
about 31. By 6:30 it was getting dark, and I hung the food and trash up
and got in bed - my go-lite 40 degree bag and my 3/4 thermarest pad. My
toes were cold for a little while, but got warm. I put a space blanket
under the pad after a little while, more for a vapor barrier than anything else.
When I went out later to pee, I was surprised to see a really
bright, nearly full moon. It lit up the whole woods. Later during
the night I heard snowmobiles until after 2. Dogs howling. And what
must have been an owl, or maybe a dream, that hooted and sounded like it was
imitating the dogs howling. It repeated the same song about 8 or 10
times. Then I didn't hear it any more. I decided it probably had caught
its dinner and wasn't singing with its mouth full. Or maybe I fell
back to sleep, who knows? It was a little cold at first, and I thought
that if it got too bad I could erect my bivy in the lean-to. But after
laying there a little while I was very warm all night. It was 28 when I
got up at 6:30.
I woke up to full daylight and got right to going. I lit
the stove and started heating the water I had fetched the night before.
Put on wet socks, wet boots and got the food bag and lines down. Cooked
oatmeal and coffee and packed up between eating and cooking and etc. My
feet got a little cold. I hiked out in my night wear, since yesterday's
hiking clothes were still wet. I had one pair of dry socks, and they were
the last things to go on. Of course, they were only dry until they went into
the wet boots. Out I went.
This hike up and out was easier. A level hike at first for
a warm-up, then up to the main trail. On the main trail heading southeast
there were some nice views of the woods.

Across from the top of Paradise Hill, and open fields, and
looking southeast, the horizon was overlapping hills. Under the brilliant

Back at the trailhead near the road the last thing I did before
taking off the snowshoes, was to tip over and get completely buried in the
melting snow, just to ensure that for the ride home I would be as soaked from the
outside in as I was from the inside out. Down the road to the car, and
home by 9:30.

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