Here is the truth about my trip into Duck Hole:

[... true stuff ...]

There were TONS of bugs.  They swarmed around me but the DEET kept them from biting.  Even so, I inhaled a few, swallowed a few, and was relentlessly annoyed by them.

And it was really hot and sticky.  I was drenched by the time I got halfway, and when I got to Duck Hole, I went in the water in my clothes just to wash the sweat out of them.  I also filtered two gallons of water and drank nearly a gallon before dinner.

[... more true stuff ...]

I didn't fish at all.  There was a pole in the lean-to, but I didn't touch it.  There were a few tiny fish when I swam, and nothing large jumping.

The rest of the story is pretty much true, except any reference to fish.

People wrote in the logs about loons, herons, bald eagles, and otters.  I hear a loon in the morning, probably over near the rock crib, but I didn't see any eagle or otters.  I saw a huge bird flying; it may have been a heron.

The bugs swarmed around me all the way out.  Annoying, but if you remember that they aren't going to light and bite, then not too bad.

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