Today I hiked from the Carson Road trailhead back to where I left off on 09 April.  Then I turned around, went back to the car, completing Map 20 in both directions, and continued hiking West until I got to Van Donsel Road, the 12.9 mile point on Map 19.

As I have gotten new maps since the 9th, when I thought the lean to had been burned, because I was looking in the wrong spot, I found the new lean-to in the new spot.  There were a couple of young fellows packing up to hike out who had spent the weekend there.  They called me 'sir' and wished me a good day.  I must really be getting old.   It was just a little farther to where I had left off 3 weeks ago, and then back to the car.  When I got there, it started sprinkling, so I ate a snack in the car and then headed West on Map 19.

  Woodchuck Hollow Lean-To.

It rained on and off the rest of the afternoon.  From the car, it was a rod hike 1.1 miles downhill on Carson Road to NY 392, then a jog left and right, and a road hike of .6 miles on Tone Road.  Then up, up and more up to the summit of Virgil Mountain.  I found the summit benchmark, and then met a large group of "Young Marines" who had been "setting up perimeters and road crossings and such-like."  I signed the trail register, and went on past the summit of Greek Peak and checked the view from the top of the chair lift.  I went on to the Van Donsel Road crossing, and decided to turn around there.  So then it was back to the car.  The wind and rain were really howling all the way back up Carson Road and I was soaked when I got to the car.

      Boiler W of Tone Road

  View along the power line.   

Survey marker at the summit of Virgil Mountain.


From the Greek Peak summit.


Coming back down across the power line.  A grey and wet day.


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