I started today where I left off last Sunday at the parking lot on NY79 at mile point  17.8 of map 18.  I hiked back "East" to the gas pipeline at mile point 21.2, then turned around and hiked back to the car.

Along the way I took the Kimmie Lean-TO side trail to see what condition the lean-to is in.  The map said it was closed for construction, but it looks all fixed up to me.  I could see where some cables were installed to keep it square, along with some braces.

After visiting the lean-to, the trail goes gradually up through a nice forest.  I didn't see anyone on the trail until I got back to my car.  I was thinking of hiking another 2.2 miles in the "west" direction to a road, but I decided that since I forgot my water, and it was looking like rain, I would bag it for the day with a mere 7 miles hiked, which is really only 6.8, since .2 was the side trail to the lean-to and won't count as trail mileage.

There were a couple of ladies coming back to their car from the other direction and we chatted for a few minutes.  Then I headed home to hand out treats.


Near the Kimmie Lean-To.


A view out from the ridge.


Map and elevation profile for the hike from the road up to the pipeline.

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