Thursday, November 4, Bob and I planned to go from work to Duck Hole.
As it turned out, I decided to take the day off, so Bob went to work and I
stayed home to do a track workout. When Bob got done at work, I picked him
up at home. It was raining and a front was sweeping up through New York
from the SW to the NE, which we followed all the way up to the trailhead.
I needed to stop in Old Forge and pick up a rain cover for my pack, since I
hadn't yet bought one. Mountain Man had one, which was overpriced, but I
had no choice but buy it.
After getting coffee in Long Lake, we got to the trailhead at Corey's a
little after 6. We got hiking about 6:30, and Bob led us all the way to
the first lean to, about 4.9 miles, in the dark and rain. It was about
33°F when we started and we thought we started hearing sleet when we got in the
lean-to. We got there about 9 without getting hurt or lost. The wind was
howling in the tree tops, sometimes breezing into the lean-to. I hung a
candle lantern from a rafter and it swung back and forth gently in the breeze.
Bob hung the bear bag and we unpacked in the lean to and changed into dry
clothes. I put on my running gear, as I was thinking of getting in my
three easy miles first thing in the morning. Bob lit his stove and boiled
some water and had a soup and a hot cocoa. I was tired and cold, so I got
in my sleeping bag and ate some trail snack food, since I hadn't eaten since
breakfast. Then I fell asleep. Bob hung the food bags.

When I woke up about 6, everything was covered with snow. And snow had
blown into the front edge of the lean-to. I slept a little longer, and
when Bob woke up he said "Merry Christmas." It was getting light and
everything had snow stuck to it. There was about 2-3" on the ground.
The temperature was now 28°F. The wind was still howling. I decided
that if I was going to run, now was the time. So I hopped out of my sack,
put on my trail running shoes and took off. In a tenth mile I came out on
the truck trail, and up past the Ward Brook lean-to. On beyond that the
trail starts ascending. I turned around at 1.5 miles, using my Polar S625X
to keep my heart rate below 132. I was running pretty slow, it being
slippery with about 3" of wet snow, a trail, and I was pretty stiff from the
hiking and track workout the day before. Here's the proof:

I got done running about 9:30 and Bob had already had breakfast. He
boiled me some water that I used for coffee and a black bean soup, and then I
used his stove to cook my wheat cereal. I changed into dry clothes while I
ate and we watched it snow. Then we packed up and started hiking about
11:30. It snowed all day, and ended with 5-6" depending on where we
Here's photo before we headed out Friday morning:
Bob is dissembling his stove to pack it up.
We hiked up the truck trail past the Ward Brook lean-to and the two lean-tos
that have no name that I know of, which I call the "lean-to pair." Here are
some photos at the lean-to pair as we passed by:

Yes winter has arrived!
finally got to the "alpine meadow" which we were anxious to see. This is
the spot that has been increasingly flooded by beaver activity in the last three years.
It was swampy even back when Bob and I ran through it in September of 2001 but
has gotten worse. In 2001 Bob coined it the "alpine meadow" but I called it
simply a "swamp." This is where I fell in (completely) in July 2004 on a
solo hike. Fortunately then it was warm and I could dive into Duck Hole
when I got there, wash the muck out of my hair and clothes, and hang the clothes
in the sun to dry. Today if we got that wet, it would be big trouble.
So, at the edge of the "alpine meadow" (read 'pond') we stopped. We
investigated a few places with the hiking poles, but there was no possible dry
way across. We decided to try one time to bushwhack around the pond.
There appeared to be a bowl feature to the landscape and maybe we could skirt
around the top rim and get to the other side. But any place we tried to
get into the woods bordering the trail the pines were too thick to let us in.
We decided to bag it.
We headed back to the lean-to pair and decided to hole up there for the
night. We got there about 2:30, or after 3 hours of backpacking, which
covered 5.8 miles of trail. You can see from the track profile that it was
fairly hilly hiking. And on the map you can also see how close were were
to the 4 Cold River lean-tos and also to Duck Hole, which was our intended
destination. Very frustrating!

After getting back to the lean-to pair, we hung Bob's bear bag line over a
dead branch. We tested it for strength, and it passed (Bob and I could
not break the branch off. Then we dug out our gallon canteens and hiked back
up the trail to the spring to fill them for drinking water. This enabled
us to not have to use the filter, which would have frozen up after the first use
with the temperature hovering in the 20s. And it was still snowing.
We got the water, and back to the lean-to. We changed once again into dry
clothes. All I had left that was dry was a fleece layer, wind briefs and
rain pants. Everything else I had was wet from wearing. I put my gloves
and a poly tee shirt I had hiked in the first day inside my sleeping bag to keep
them from freezing, and folded the rest of my wet clothes and put them inside my
pillow-case. Then I put my (wet) vest on outside my fleece top just to
have an extra layer on. I also had dry socks and the Montrail Primaloft camp
booties I got for Christmas last year - and those things are GREAT. They
come with a plastic shell that I put on when I go out of the lean-to, but take
off before getting in the sleeping bag.
Photos when we were back at lean-to pair for the night:

No fire tonight!
We both ate some trail food (nuts, cheese, slim jims) sitting in our bags. I
noticed it seemed to be getting dark and remarked to Bob that it was 15:41 and
probably the sun was heading down. Then I shrank down into the mummy bag
and pulled the hood as closed as I could and still breathe. My feet were
painfully cold, and kept waking me up. I wiggled my toes each time and
hoped that would circulate some blood to warm them up. I knew we couldn't
hike again until first light, which was another 16 hours or so. My top was
damp, the clothes in the bag with me were damp, and I wasn't sure how the night
would go, if I would warm up, dry out, or lay there shivering for 16 hours.
But there wasn't much choice.
I kept drifting off, then my feet would wake me up and I'd wiggle them and
drift off again. I knew it would be getting dark, and Bob was snoring, and
I should get my headlamp out so that when it was dark I'd have a light, but I
didn't want to get out of the bag. About 5:30 I woke up in total darkness
and that shocked me into action. I got my headlamp out and lit my candle
lantern and hung it on the clothes line someone had tied across the lean-to.
It swung back and forth in the wind. It was 29°F and the wind was still
howling and it was still snowing.
I decided I was warm enough to try putting on the poly tee shirt to see if
wearing it would warm it up enough to dry it out. So I put it next to my
skin and then replaced the fleece and vest. When I got back in the bag I
realized how wet the tee shirt was and I was afraid this had been a mistake.
But now the fleece would be wet too, so I just laid there and tried to sleep
again. And I did sleep.
About 9:45 I woke up and decided I'd better hang the food up on the bear line
we had hung. I woke Bob up and asked him if he was going to eat anything
and he said no. So I put on my bootie shells and rain coat and mittens and
took the food bags and garbage out. I hooked them on the carabiner and
then went to pull the load up. The line slid out toward the end of the
dead limb about 6" and the limb broke off and the bags and line came down into
the snow. Bob heard this and laughed. I uttered some expletive and
brought the bags back to the lean-to. At least I could hang them from the
rafters near the front edge of the lean-to. If a bear wanted them, it wouldn't
have to come into the lean-to to get them. Then I went back and retrieved
the lines and carabiners.
Bob was up for a while and asked me if his headlamp was bothering me, but I
was l sleeping. I was finally warm, had stopped shivering and my feet
weren't hurting. I was up once more for an ex-lean-to venture, but other
than that, spent about 15 hours in my sleeping bag. I was glad I brought
my warmest mummy bag. I also noticed that in addition to the dampness from
my clothing and perspiration inside the bag, there was a visible layer of what
appeared to be condensation on the outside of the bag, about chest level.
This could have been the condensation of my expiration, but I don't know why it
would settle at chest level.
We had decided not to cook in the morning, but to pack up and get out.
Our experience the wilderness needs had been satisfied and we wanted to get home. So we both woke up
about 6:30 and it was getting light. The temperature had risen enough to
melt the snow on the edge of the lean-to and it had stopped snowing. It
was now raining. The snow was melting and slushy. After
procrastinating a little while, we started packing. And we were hiking by
7:27. There was no one at the Ward Brook Lean-To. And no one at
Blueberry. We met a few groups on the way out - 3 guys going to bag a
peak, and then a couple with a dog and a 3rd guy. Here are some photos
from the hike out:

Starting up the trail we were both overdressed. Once we got going the
layers came off.

This very interesting system of beaver dams creates layers of different levels of
water. This was not visible to us on the hike in as it was pitch dark.
And the final day's map, about 6.4 miles, and profile:

We were back at the car by 10:26, about 3 hours hiking. There was a car
parked very close to mine, in a huge parking lot with only 2 other vehicles.
It had a Kerry/Edwards sticker on the back, so I guess that figures! |