Monday we hiked 9.23 miles to the Cedar Lakes dam, and back and forth between lean-tos, finally settling on the tent site near the dam that we used last year. This morning we fried eggs for breakfast and they were yummy! Doug and Kelly got off to a head start on their way to climb Pillsbury Mountain before going back to their car at Sled Harbor. We caught them at the Pillsbury Lake lean-to where we took a short break. Then we had the lead and cleared the trail of spider webs.
There were a couple of places along our hike where the pines grew close to the track on both sides. In the section below, the trail was across the top of an old beaver dam, and the tress were along both edges.
We made especially good time and got to Cedar Lakes to find the lean-to with a pack in it, but no one around. We rested a minute and decided to check out the other lean-to, another half mile around the lake. Then a loose dog chased us away. At the other lean-to, there were three guys. We checked out a rather dismal tent site down the shore from that lean-to, and then another poor tent site on the edge of Beaver Pond, about halfway between the two lean-tos. We decided the tent site from last year was preferable and returned there. On the way by the lean-to, the dog nipped at Bob and its owner didn't even speak to me as I went by. Jerk! We set up camp and took another nap, after having a soup. Before we finished lunch, the guy with the dog hiked on by, but we decided to stay where we were instead of packing everything up and moving to the lean-to. It was getting late when we awoke, and we went fishing. I sat on a rock and fouled my spinning reel, but I had my micra tool and sat on the rock, took the reel apart, re-wound it, and continued to fish. While I was working on it a frog nibble at my bobber. That was the only bite I got the entire trip. After fishing for a while the fish started jumping all over the lake, but not too close to shore. I kept casting and reeling, but no bites. I thought I heard something up near the lean-to. It was pretty dark, and another guy with a dog came down to see who was fishing. He was trying to through-hike the NP trail south to north and had sore feet. I wished him luck as he returned to the lean-to. After dark we stopped fishing and decided we didn't want supper again - 2 out of 3 nights we didn't prepare a meal. But we did devour some s'mores before hitting the sack. |