Day 4

Tuesday we hiked a tough 10.6 miles in under 4 fours.

wpe14.jpg (273968 bytes)

  elevation profile - 1000' scale

We both slept really great and rose pretty early.  After oatmeal and coffee we were ready to go and took off to find the trail.  Hiking up to Lost Pond we climbed a pretty big ridge, and of course back down the other side.  Last year there had been a man who said he tried to find Lost Pond but thought he missed the side trail to it.  As we hiked along we could see Lost Pond, and thought we had missed the side trail to it.  After a while longer though, we found the intersection.  Then we crossed over a beaver bog created by damming the Otter Brook, which rises near Lost Pond. 

IMAGE034.JPG (257669 bytes)  beavers dammed up Otter Brook

IMAGE035.JPG (253446 bytes)  just south of Lost Pond

IMAGE036.JPG (256569 bytes)

Bob found an old piece of equipment in the woods.  I think it was some kind of log skidder.

IMAGE037.JPG (256658 bytes)  an old log skidder (and Bob)

IMAGE038.JPG (256117 bytes)

IMAGE039.JPG (252513 bytes)

IMAGE040.JPG (254099 bytes)

Another place along the old road to Otter Brook bridge there was a large area of abandoned equipment and belongings, like a junk pile scattered over an acre or more, including this old truck.

IMAGE041.JPG (254404 bytes)  An old truck abandoned in the wood

IMAGE042.JPG (257032 bytes) a former logging camp?

We were hot when we got done - a long, fast hike.

IMAGE043.JPG (257491 bytes)  out to the road

IMAGE044.JPG (256661 bytes) and nearly done.

We stopped at Mickey D's on the way home to gorge on junk food.  There was very little traffic this Tuesday afternoon.

Go back to Day 3.   Go up a level.

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